"Apoptosis (from Ancient Greekἀπόπτωσιςromanizedapóptōsislit.''falling off'') is a form of programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms.[1] Biochemical events lead to characteristic cell changes (morphology) and death. These changes include blebbingcell shrinkagenuclear fragmentationchromatin condensationDNA fragmentation, and mRNA decay. The average adult human loses between 50 and 70 billion cells each day due to apoptosis.[a] For an average human child between eight and fourteen years old, approximately twenty to thirty billion cells die per day.[3]

In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis is a highly regulated and controlled process that confers advantages during an organism's life cycle. For example, the separation of fingers and toes in a developing human embryo occurs because cells between the digits undergo apoptosis. Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces cell fragments called apoptotic bodies that phagocytes are able to engulf and remove before the contents of the cell can spill out onto surrounding cells and cause damage to them.[4]

Because apoptosis cannot stop once it has begun, it is a highly regulated process. Apoptosis can be initiated through one of two pathways. In the intrinsic pathway the cell kills itself because it senses cell stress, while in the extrinsic pathway the cell kills itself because of signals from other cells. Weak external signals may also activate the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis.[5] Both pathways induce cell death by activating caspases, which are proteases, or enzymes that degrade proteins. The two pathways both activate initiator caspases, which then activate executioner caspases, which then kill the cell by degrading proteins indiscriminately.

In addition to its importance as a biological phenomenon, defective apoptotic processes have been implicated in a wide variety of diseases. Excessive apoptosis causes atrophy, whereas an insufficient amount results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer. Some factors like Fas receptors and caspases promote apoptosis, while some members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins inhibit apoptosis." -Apoptosis - Wikipedia


  1. A Bad kinase makes good
  2. A biochemical hallmark of Apoptosis: Internucleosomal degradation of the genome
  3. A caspase-activated DNase that degrades DNA during Apoptosis, and its inhibitor ICAD
  4. A Caspase-Related Protease Regulates Apoptosisin Yeast
  5. A cautionary note on the use of the TUNEL stain to determine Apoptosis.
  6. A critical role of neural-specific JNK3 for ischemic Apoptosis
  7. A death-domain-containing receptor that mediates Apoptosis
  8. A fluorogenic BODIPY molecular rotor as an Apoptosismarker
  9. A mathematical model of caspase function in Apoptosis
  10. A mechanistic role for cardiac myocyte Apoptosisin heart failure
  11. A model for p53-induced Apoptosis
  12. A novel anti-Apoptosisgene, survivin, expressed in cancer and lymphoma
  13. A simple technique for quantifying Apoptosisin 96-well plates
  14. A single chicken anemia virus protein induces Apoptosis.
  15. A small molecule interacts with VDAC2 to block mouse BAK-driven Apoptosis.
  16. A structural view of mitochondria-mediated Apoptosis
  17. A Yeast Mutant Showing Diagnostic Markers of Early and Late Apoptosis
  18. Abortive Apoptosisin Alzheimer’s disease
  19. Absence of excitotoxicity-induced Apoptosisin the hippocampus of mice lacking the Jnk3 gene
  20. Actin is cleaved during constitutive Apoptosis.
  21. Activation and Cleavage of Caspase-3 in ApoptosisInduced by Experimental Cerebral Ischemia
  22. Activation of p34cdc2 coincident with taxol-induced Apoptosis.
  23. Activation of programmed cell death (Apoptosis) by cisplatin, other anticancer drugs, toxins and hyperthermia
  24. Activation of Apoptosisin Vivo by a Hydrocarbon-Stapled BH3 Helix
  25. Activation of Apoptosissignalling pathways by reactive oxygen species
  26. Activation-induced cell death (Apoptosis) of mature peripheral T lymphocytes
  27. Activation-induced Apoptosisin lymphocytes
  28. Acute Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity Involves Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis
  29. Adrenergic regulation of cardiac myocyte Apoptosis
  30. Advances in Apoptosis research
  31. Ageing and Apoptosis
  32. Aging and regulation of Apoptosis.
  33. Akt is more than just a Bad kinase
  34. Akt Phosphorylates and Negatively Regulates ApoptosisSignal-Regulating Kinase 1
  35. Akt, FoxO and regulation of Apoptosis
  36. Alterations in cellular adhesion and Apoptosisin epithelial cells overexpressing prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 2
  37. Altered cytokine export and Apoptosisin mice deficient in interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme
  38. An AIF orthologue regulates Apoptosisin yeast
  39. An evolutionary perspective on Apoptosis
  40. An IAP-IAP Complex Inhibits Apoptosis
  41. An Apoptosis-inhibiting baculovirus gene with a zinc finger-like motif.
  42. Analysis of Apoptosisby propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry
  43. Analysis of Apoptosisduring hair follicle regression (catagen)
  44. Angiogenesis and Apoptosis
  45. Angiopoietin-1 Inhibits Endothelial Cell Apoptosisvia the Akt/Survivin Pathway
  46. Angiotensin II Induces Apoptosisof Adult Ventricular MyocytesIn Vitro
  47. Annexin V for flow cytometric detection of phosphatidylserine expression on B cells undergoing Apoptosis
  48. Anti-Apoptosisgene, survivin, and prognosis of neuroblastoma
  49. Antibody-induced Apoptosis
  50. Antioxidant, Gallic Acid, Induces Apoptosisin HL-60RG Cells
  51. Apaf-1 and Caspase-9 in p53-Dependent Apoptosisand Tumor Inhibition
  52. Apaf1 Is Required for Mitochondrial Pathways of Apoptosisand Brain Development
  53. Apo2L/TRAIL: Apoptosissignaling, biology, and potential for cancer therapy
  54. Apoptosis
  55. Apoptosis
  56. Apoptosis– the p53 network
  57. Apoptosis(the 1992 Frank Rose Memorial Lecture)
  58. ApoptosisAfter Traumatic Brain Injury
  59. Apoptosisafter traumatic human spinal cord injury
  60. Apoptosisand acute kidney injury
  61. Apoptosisand Alzheimer’s disease
  62. Apoptosisand anti-Apoptosissignalling in glaucomatous retinopathy.
  63. Apoptosisand APC in colorectal tumorigenesis
  64. Apoptosisand autoimmunity
  65. Apoptosisand autophagy in nigral neurons of patients with Parkinson’s disease
  66. Apoptosisand brain development
  67. Apoptosisand brain ischaemia
  68. Apoptosisand calcification.
  69. Apoptosisand cancer chemotherapy
  70. Apoptosisand cancer chemotherapy
  71. Apoptosisand cancer drug targeting
  72. Apoptosisand cancer mechanisms.
  73. Apoptosisand cancer: mutations within caspase genes
  74. Apoptosisand cancer: the genesis of a research field
  75. Apoptosisand carcinogenesis.
  76. Apoptosisand carcinogenesis.
  77. Apoptosisand Caspases in Neurodegenerative Diseases
  78. Apoptosisand caspases regulate death and inflammation in sepsis
  79. Apoptosisand chemotherapy resistance
  80. Apoptosisand delayed degeneration after spinal cord injury in rats and monkeys
  81. Apoptosisand disease
  82. Apoptosisand Emphysema The Missing Link
  83. Apoptosisand endometriosis.
  84. Apoptosisand exercise
  85. Apoptosisand Free Radicals
  86. Apoptosisand genomic instability
  87. Apoptosisand glutathione: beyond an antioxidant
  88. Apoptosisand Heart Failure
  89. Apoptosisand hepatobiliary disease
  90. Apoptosisand Its Role in Human Disease
  91. Apoptosisand its role in the trophoblast
  92. Apoptosisand liver disease
  93. Apoptosisand lung cancer: A review
  94. Apoptosisand melanoma chemoresistance
  95. Apoptosisand melanoma: molecular mechanisms
  96. Apoptosisand Molecular Targeting Therapy in Cancer
  97. Apoptosisand myocardial infarction
  98. Apoptosisand necrosis. Basic types and mechanisms of cell death.
  99. Apoptosisand necrosis: Detection, discrimination and phagocytosis
  100. Apoptosisand neurologic disease
  101. Apoptosisand osteoporosis
  102. Apoptosisand ovarian function
  103. Apoptosisand oxidants in the heart
  104. Apoptosisand Programmed Cell Death in Immunity
  105. Apoptosisand the cell cycle
  106. Apoptosisand the cell cycle
  107. Apoptosisand the cell cycle.
  108. Apoptosisand the kidney.
  109. Apoptosisand the liver
  110. Apoptosisand the Nervous System
  111. Apoptosisand therapy
  112. Apoptosisand Thyroiditis
  113. Apoptosisand tumourigenesis
  114. Apoptosisand Apoptosis related gene expression in normal conjunctiva and pterygium
  115. Apoptosisas a Novel Target for Cancer Chemoprevention
  116. ApoptosisBasic Mechanisms and Implications for Cardiovascular Disease
  117. ApoptosisBiochemical events and relevance to cancer chemotherapy
  118. Apoptosisby Death Factor
  119. ApoptosisClinical Relevance and Pharmacological Manipulation
  120. Apoptosiscontrol by death and decoy receptors
  121. Apoptosisdetection: an overview
  122. Apoptosisdriven by IP3‐linked mitochondrial calcium signals
  123. Apoptosisduring luteal regression in cattle
  124. Apoptosisduring wound healing, fibrocontractive diseases and vascular wall injury
  125. Apoptosisin adult retinal ganglion cells after axotomy
  126. Apoptosisin AIDS
  127. Apoptosisin atherogenesis: implications for plaque destabilization.
  128. Apoptosisin atherosclerosis: beneficial or detrimental?
  129. Apoptosisin Autoimmune Diseases
  130. Apoptosisin cancer
  131. Apoptosisin cancer therapy: Crossing the threshold
  132. Apoptosisin cancer: cause and cure
  133. Apoptosisin cancer: from pathogenesis to treatment
  134. Apoptosisin cell culture
  135. Apoptosisin development
  136. Apoptosisin disease
  137. Apoptosisin glomerular sclerosis
  138. Apoptosisin human ejaculated sperm cells (notulae seminologicae 9).
  139. Apoptosisin human endometrium and endometriosis
  140. Apoptosisin Irradiated Murine Tumors
  141. Apoptosisin leukocytes
  142. Apoptosisin metanephric development.
  143. Apoptosisin myocardial ischaemia and infarction
  144. Apoptosisin Myocardial Ischemia‐Reperfusion
  145. Apoptosisin Myocytes in End-Stage Heart Failure
  146. Apoptosisin Neural Development and Disease
  147. Apoptosisin neurodegenerative disorders
  148. Apoptosisin neurodegenerative disorders.
  149. Apoptosisin Neurological Disease
  150. Apoptosisin normal and osteoarthritic human articular cartilage
  151. Apoptosisin Parkinson’s disease: Signals for neuronal degradation
  152. Apoptosisin podocytes induced by TGF-β and Smad7
  153. Apoptosisin pressure overload-induced heart hypertrophy in the rat.
  154. Apoptosisin procyclic Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in vitro.
  155. Apoptosisin progressive crescentic glomerulonephritis.
  156. Apoptosisin prostate carcinogenesis
  157. Apoptosisin relevant clinical situations: contribution of Apoptosis in myocardial infarction
  158. Apoptosisin resolution of inflammation
  159. Apoptosisin rheumatoid arthritis synovium.
  160. Apoptosisin rotator cuff tendonopathy
  161. Apoptosisin skeletal muscle with aging
  162. Apoptosisin the absence of caspase 3
  163. Apoptosisin the aging process
  164. Apoptosisin the developing CNS
  165. Apoptosisin the development and maintenance of the immune system
  166. Apoptosisin the Failing Human Heart
  167. Apoptosisin the germ line
  168. Apoptosisin the Heart
  169. Apoptosisin the human embryo
  170. Apoptosisin the nervous system
  171. Apoptosisin the ovary: molecular mechanisms
  172. Apoptosisin the pathogenesis and treatment of disease
  173. Apoptosisin the Trophoblast—Role of Apoptosis in Placental Morphogenesis
  174. Apoptosisin the vasculature: mechanisms and functional importance
  175. Apoptosisin Viral Infections
  176. Apoptosisin yeast
  177. Apoptosisin yeast: triggers, pathways, subroutines
  178. Apoptosisinduced by a human milk protein
  179. Apoptosisinduced by anticancer drugs
  180. Apoptosisinduced by bacterial pathogens.
  181. Apoptosisinduced by cisplatin nephrotoxic injury
  182. Apoptosisinduced by death receptors
  183. Apoptosisinduced by inhibition of intercellular contact.
  184. ApoptosisInduced by Topoisomerase Inhibitors
  185. Apoptosisinduced in normal human hepatocytes by tumor necrosis factor-related Apoptosis-inducing ligand
  186. Apoptosisinduction resulting from proteasome inhibition.
  187. Apoptosisinhibition by intracellular bacteria and its consequence on host immunity
  188. Apoptosisinhibitory activity of cytoplasmic p21Cip1/WAF1 in monocytic differentiation
  189. ApoptosisInitiated When BH3 Ligands Engage Multiple Bcl-2 Homologs, Not Bax or Bak
  190. Apoptosisis induced by beta-amyloid in cultured central nervous system neurons
  191. Apoptosismediates the decrease in cellularity during the transition between granulation tissue and scar.
  192. Apoptosisof Neutrophils
  193. Apoptosisof T cells mediated by galectin-1
  194. Apoptosisof vascular endothelial cells by fibroblast growth factor deprivation
  195. Apoptosisparticipates in cellularity regulation during rat aortic intimal thickening.
  196. Apoptosispathways in cancer and cancer therapy
  197. Apoptosisregulators and their role in tumorigenesis
  198. Apoptosis
  199. ApoptosisSignaling
  200. Apoptosissignaling by death receptors
  201. Apoptosissignaling in lymphocytes.
  202. ApoptosisTarget of Cancer Therapy
  203. Apoptosisversus oncotic necrosis in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury
  204. Apoptosiswithout caspases: an inefficient molecular guillotine?
  205. Apoptosis, autophagy, and more
  206. Apoptosis, autophagy, necroptosis, and cancer metastasis
  207. Apoptosis, cancer and cancer therapy
  208. Apoptosis, Excitotoxicity, and Neuropathology
  209. Apoptosis, oncosis, and necrosis. An overview of cell death.
  210. Apoptosis, p53, and Tumor Cell Sensitivity to Anticancer Agents
  211. Apoptosis, Pyroptosis, and Necrosis: Mechanistic Description of Dead and Dying Eukaryotic Cells
  212. Apoptosis, Stem Cells, and Tissue Regeneration
  213. Apoptosis. Its nature and implications for dermatopathology.
  214. Apoptosis. Its significance in cancer and cancer Therapy
  215. Apoptosis. The role of the endonuclease.
  216. Apoptosis/”>The Role of p53 in Apoptosis
  217. Apoptosis/links/54eb93bd0cf2ff89649df83e/Viruses-and-Apoptosis.pdf”>Viruses and Apoptosis
  218. Apoptosis/links/5ce51080458515712eba7c04/Circulating-nucleic-acids-and-Apoptosis.pdf”>Circulating Nucleic Acids and Apoptosis
  219. Apoptosis: A Basic Biological Phenomenon with Wideranging Implications in Tissue Kinetics
  220. Apoptosis: a different type of cell death.
  221. Apoptosis: A Link between Cancer Genetics and Chemotherapy
  222. Apoptosis: A mammalian cell bioprocessing perspective
  223. Apoptosis: a mechanism of acute and chronic liver injury
  224. Apoptosis: A Review of Programmed Cell Death
  225. Apoptosis: Activate NF-κB or die?
  226. Apoptosis: an innate immune response to virus infection
  227. Apoptosis: an overview
  228. Apoptosis: biochemical aspects and clinical implications
  229. Apoptosis: Cell death in tissue regulation
  230. Apoptosis: controlled demolition at the cellular level
  231. Apoptosis: definition, mechanisms, and relevance to disease
  232. Apoptosis: Identification of dying cells
  233. Apoptosis: mechanisms and relevance in cancer
  234. Apoptosis: Mechanisms and Roles in Pathology
  235. Apoptosis: Molecular Control Point in Toxicity
  236. Apoptosis: Molecular Regulation of Cell Death
  237. Apoptosis: Silencing the death receptors
  238. Apoptosis: Suicide,execution or murder?
  239. Apoptosis: The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Programmed Cell Death
  240. Apoptosis: The importance of being eaten
  241. Apoptosis: The nexus of liver injury and fibrosis
  242. Apoptosis_A_general_comment20151105-21991-16lpwty.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DApoptosispdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A%2F20191105%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191105T024415Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9daa502479b808bf7ecee2df3c522c78b8302840b6fc5da839dcca7f5d189adf”>Apoptosis:ageneralcomment
  243. Apoptosis11.aspx”>Apoptosisand cardiomyopathy
  244. Apoptosis_and_the_skin_100048/article.phtml?cle_doc=000186D0″>Apoptosisand the skin
  245. Apoptosis14.aspx”>Mechanisms of Apoptosisavoidance in cancer
  246. Apoptosis15.aspx”>Apoptosisin rheumatoid arthritis
  247. Apoptosis“>Caspase activation cascades in Apoptosis
  248. Apoptosis“>Mechanisms of HIV-associated lymphocyte Apoptosis
  249. Apoptosis“>Protein kinase Cδ and Apoptosis
  250. Apoptosis—an introduction
  251. Apoptosis-and-the-Dilemma-of-Cancer-Chemotherapy”>Apoptosisand the Dilemma of Cancer Chemotherapy
  252. Apoptosis-an-overview”>Mitochondrial control of Apoptosis: an overview
  253. Apoptosis-based therapies
  254. Apoptosis-based therapies and drug targets
  255. Apoptosis-based-therapies-for-hematologic”>Apoptosis-based therapies for hematologic malignancies
  256. Apoptosis-by-BCR-ABL-in-chronic”>Inhibition of Apoptosisby BCR-ABL in chronic myeloid leukemia
  257. Apoptosis-in-cancer”>Cellular stress response and Apoptosisin cancer therapy
  258. Apoptosis-inducing activity of vitamin C and vitamin K.
  259. Apoptosis-inducing and Apoptosis-preventing functions of poliovirus.
  260. Apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF): a ubiquitous mitochondrial oxidoreductase involved in Apoptosis
  261. Apoptosis-inducing factor: vital and lethal
  262. Apoptosis-of-human”>Glucocorticoids inhibit Apoptosisof human neutrophils
  263. Apoptosis-regulating proteins as targets for drug discovery
  264. Apoptosis-targeted therapies for cancer
  265. Artemisinin Induces Apoptosisin Human Cancer Cells
  266. ASK1 is required for sustained activations of JNK/p38 MAP kinases and Apoptosis
  267. Astrocyte Apoptosis: implications for neuroprotection
  268. Autoimmune disease. a problem of defective Apoptosis
  269. Autophagy and Apoptosis: what is the connection?
  270. Autophagy inhibition enhances therapy-induced Apoptosisin a Myc-induced model of lymphoma
  271. Axotomy results in delayed death and Apoptosisof retinal ganglion cells in adult rats
  272. Bax and Adenine Nucleotide Translocator Cooperate in the Mitochondrial Control of Apoptosis
  273. Bax and Bak can localize to the endoplasmic reticulum to initiate Apoptosis
  274. BAX and BAK Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+: A Control Point for Apoptosis
  275. Bax mitochondrial residency is more critical than Bax oligomerization for Apoptosis
  276. Bax suppresses tumorigenesis and stimulates Apoptosisin vivo
  277. Bax-independent inhibition of Apoptosisby Bcl-XL
  278. Bcl‐2 and Fas/APO‐1 regulate distinct pathways to lymphocyte Apoptosis.
  279. Bcl-2 blocks p53-dependent Apoptosis.
  280. Bcl-2 blocks Apoptosisin cells lacking mitochondrial DNA
  281. BCL-2 family members and the mitochondria in Apoptosis
  282. Bcl-2 family members: Dual regulators of Apoptosisand autophagy
  283. Bcl-2 family proteins: regulators of Apoptosisand chemoresistance in hematologic malignancies.
  284. Bcl-2 functions in an antioxidant pathway to prevent Apoptosis
  285. Bcl-2 Inhibits Chemotherapy-induced Apoptosisin Neuroblastoma
  286. bcl-2 inhibits multiple forms of Apoptosisbut not negative selection in thymocytes
  287. Bcl-2 oncoprotein blocks chemotherapy-induced Apoptosisin a human leukemia cell line
  288. Bcl-2 Phosphorylation Required for Anti-ApoptosisFunction
  289. BCL-2, BCL-XL Sequester BH3 Domain-Only Molecules Preventing BAX- and BAK-Mediated Mitochondrial Apoptosis
  290. Bcl-2-family proteins and the role of mitochondria in Apoptosis
  291. Bcl-2-family proteins: the role of the BH3 domain in Apoptosis
  292. Bcl-2-regulated Apoptosis: mechanism and therapeutic potential
  293. beta-cell Apoptosis: stimuli and signaling.
  294. BH3-only proteins in Apoptosisand beyond: an overview
  295. BH3-only proteins: Orchestrators of Apoptosis
  296. Bid-deficient mice are resistant to Fas-induced hepatocellular Apoptosis
  297. Bid-induced Conformational Change of Bax Is Responsible for Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Release during Apoptosis
  298. Bimodal Fluorescence-Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent for ApoptosisImaging
  299. Biochemical determinants of Apoptosisand necrosis
  300. Biochemical Mechanisms of IL-2–Regulated Fas-Mediated T Cell Apoptosis
  301. Biochemical Pathways of Caspase Activation During Apoptosis
  302. Bisphosphonates induce Apoptosisin human breast cancer cell lines
  303. Bisphosphonates promote Apoptosisin murine osteoclasts in vitro and in vivo
  304. C1q, Autoimmunity and Apoptosis
  305. Ca2+-Induced ApoptosisThrough Calcineurin Dephosphorylation of BAD
  306. Cadmium-Induced Apoptosisin Mouse Liver
  307. Caenorhabditis elegans p53: Role in Apoptosis, Meiosis, and Stress Resistance
  308. Calcium and Apoptosis: ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer in the control of Apoptosis
  309. Calcium and Apoptosis: facts and hypotheses
  310. Calcium orchestrates Apoptosis
  311. Calcium signaling and Apoptosis
  312. Calcium, free radicals and excitotoxins in neuronal Apoptosis
  313. Calcium-mediated Apoptosisin a plant hypersensitive disease resistance response
  314. Calpain activation in Apoptosis
  315. Calpains, mitochondria, and Apoptosis
  316. Carbon Monoxide Generated by Heme Oxygenase 1 Suppresses Endothelial Cell Apoptosis
  317. Cardiolipin and Apoptosis
  318. Cardiomyocyte Apoptosisand progression of heart failure to transplantation.
  319. Caspase Family Proteases and Apoptosis
  320. Caspase Pathways, Neuronal Apoptosis, and CNS Injury
  321. Caspase-12 mediates endoplasmic-reticulum-specific Apoptosisand cytotoxicity by amyloid-β
  322. Caspase-3 Is Required for DNA Fragmentation and Morphological Changes Associated with Apoptosis
  323. Caspase-3-Generated Fragment of Gelsolin: Effector of Morphological Change in Apoptosis
  324. Caspase‐activation pathways in Apoptosisand immunity
  325. Caspases 3 and 7: Key Mediators of Mitochondrial Events of Apoptosis
  326. Caspases and Apoptosis.
  327. Caspases find a new place to hide
  328. Caspases in Apoptosisand beyond
  329. Caspases: key mediators of Apoptosis
  330. Caspases: the executioners of Apoptosis.
  331. Caspases: their intracellular localization and translocation during Apoptosis
  332. Casper Is a FADD- and Caspase-Related Inducer of Apoptosis
  333. CD20‐mediated Apoptosis: signalling through lipid rafts
  334. CD28 and Apoptosis
  335. CD36 gene transfer confers capacity for phagocytosis of cells undergoing Apoptosis.
  336. CD95 Ligand (Fas-L/APO-1L) and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Mediate Ischemia-Induced Apoptosisin Neurons
  337. Cell Activation and Apoptosisby Bacterial Lipoproteins Through Toll-like Receptor-2
  338. Cell biology. Apoptosis–the calcium connection
  339. Cell cycle and Apoptosis
  340. Cell Cycle and Apoptosis
  341. Cell cycle and Apoptosis: Common pathways to life and death
  342. Cell cycle checkpoint signaling:: Cell cycle arrest versus Apoptosis
  344. Cell death by Apoptosisand its protective role against disease
  345. Cell Death by Apoptosisin Epidermal Biology
  346. Cell death in health and disease: the biology and regulation of Apoptosis
  347. Cell death: a new classification separating Apoptosisfrom necrosis
  348. Cell death: programmed, Apoptosis, necrosis, or other?
  349. Cell Death: The Significance of Apoptosis
  350. Cell death: Apoptosisversus necrosis (Review)
  351. Cell nucleus and DNA fragmentation are not required for Apoptosis.
  352. Cell proliferation and Apoptosis
  353. Cell Surface Trafficking of Fas: A Rapid Mechanism of p53-Mediated Apoptosis
  354. Cellular Oxygen Toxicity OXIDANT INJURY WITHOUT Apoptosis
  355. Cellular signaling in thymocyte Apoptosis.
  356. Ceramide in Apoptosis: an overview and current perspectives
  357. Ceramide in Apoptosis—does it really matter?
  358. Ceramide signaling in Apoptosis
  359. Ceramide: an intracellular signal for Apoptosis
  360. Chapter 2 Assays of Cell Viability: Discrimination of Cells Dying by Apoptosis
  361. Chapter 20 – Cell Death Pathways: Apoptosisand Regulated Necrosis
  362. Chelation of intracellular zinc triggers Apoptosisin mature thymocytes.
  363. Chemotherapy Augments TRAIL-induced Apoptosisin Breast Cell Lines
  364. Chemotherapy-Induced Apoptosis
  365. Chondrocyte Apoptosisinduced by nitric oxide.
  366. Chromatin changes in Apoptosis
  367. Chromatin cleavage in Apoptosis: Association with condensed chromatin morphology and dependence on macromolecular synthesis
  368. Chronological aging leads to Apoptosisin yeast
  369. Cleavage of CAD inhibitor in CAD activation and DNA degradation during Apoptosis
  370. Cleavage of RIPK1 by caspase-8 is crucial for limiting Apoptosisand necroptosis
  371. Clusterin inhibits Apoptosisby interacting with activated Bax
  372. c-Myc and Apoptosis
  373. c-Myc Target Genes Involved in Cell Growth, Apoptosis, and Metabolism
  374. c‐Myc‐induced Apoptosisin fibroblasts is inhibited by specific cytokines.
  375. Colon cancer and Apoptosis
  376. Comet assay and early Apoptosis
  377. Complement and Apoptosis
  378. Connected to Death: The (Unexpurgated) Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis
  379. Control of mitochondrial Apoptosisby the Bcl-2 family
  380. Control of TRAIL-Induced Apoptosisby a Family of Signaling and Decoy Receptors
  381. Control of Apoptosisand mitotic spindle checkpoint by survivin
  382. Control of Apoptosisby p53
  383. Control of Apoptosisby Rel/NF-κB transcription factors
  384. Control of Apoptosisby the BCL-2 protein family: implications for physiology and therapy
  385. Control of Apoptosisby the cellular ATP level
  386. Control of Apoptosisduring Angiogenesis by Survivin Expression in Endothelial Cells
  387. Crashing the computer: Apoptosis necroptosis in neuroinflammation
  388. CTLA4 mediates antigen-specific Apoptosisof human T cells
  389. Cytochemical Methods for the Detection of Apoptosis
  390. Cytochrome C-Mediated Apoptosis
  392. Cytoskeleton and Apoptosis
  393. Cytosol-to-membrane redistribution of Bax and Bcl-XL during Apoptosis
  394. DAP kinase links the control of Apoptosisto metastasis
  395. Daxx, a Novel Fas-Binding Protein That Activates JNK and Apoptosis
  396. Deadly encounter: ubiquitin meets Apoptosis
  397. Death and anti-death: tumour resistance to Apoptosis
  398. Death by design: Apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy
  399. Death receptors and melanoma resistance to Apoptosis
  400. death, and the pursuit of Apoptosis
  401. Decreased Apoptosisin the brain and premature lethality in CPP32-deficient mice
  402. Defects in regulation of Apoptosisin caspase-2-deficient mice
  403. Defining Apoptosis.
  404. Degradation of chromosomal DNA during Apoptosis
  405. Delayed eosinophil Apoptosisin asthma
  406. Detection of Apoptosisin tissue sections
  407. Dexamethasone-induced Apoptosisinvolves cleavage of DNA to large fragments prior to internucleosomal fragmentation.
  408. DFF, a Heterodimeric Protein That Functions Downstream of Caspase-3 to Trigger DNA Fragmentation during Apoptosis
  409. Dicing with death: dissecting the components of the Apoptosismachinery
  410. DIET AND Apoptosis
  411. Direct Activation of Bax by p53 Mediates Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization and Apoptosis
  412. Disruption of epithelial cell-matrix interactions induces Apoptosis
  413. Dissecting p53-dependent Apoptosis
  414. Distinct BH3 domains either sensitize or activate mitochondrial Apoptosis, serving as prototype cancer therapeutics
  415. Distinct Caspase Cascades Are Initiated in Receptor-mediated and Chemical-induced Apoptosis
  416. DNA damage-induced cell death by Apoptosis
  417. DNA damage-induced Apoptosis
  418. DNA fragmentation in Apoptosis
  419. DNases and Apoptosis
  420. Do all programmed cell deaths occur via Apoptosis?
  421. Does nitric oxide modulate mitochondrial energy generation and Apoptosis?
  422. Dominant interfering fas gene mutations impair Apoptosisin a human autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
  423. Dormancy of micrometastases: Balanced proliferation and Apoptosisin the presence of angiogenesis suppression
  424. Down-Regulation of X-linked Inhibitor of ApoptosisProtein Induces Apoptosis in Chemoresistant Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
  425. Doxorubicin-induced Apoptosis: Implications in cardiotoxicity
  426. Dynamics of mitochondrial morphology in healthy cells and during Apoptosis
  427. Dysregulated Expression of Neutrophil Apoptosisin the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
  428. Dysregulation of Apoptosisin Cancer
  429. E2F1 pathways to Apoptosis
  430. Emerging roles of caspase-3 in Apoptosis
  431. Endoplasmic reticulum stress contributes to beta cell Apoptosisin type 2 diabetes
  432. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-induced Apoptosis
  433. Endostatin Induces Endothelial Cell Apoptosis
  434. Endothelial Cell Apoptosisin Angiogenesis and Vessel Regression
  435. Endothelial cells release phenotypically and quantitatively distinct microparticles in activation and Apoptosis
  436. Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation, and Apoptosisin Diabetes Mellitus
  437. Endothelial Apoptosis
  438. Endothelial Apoptosisin Braf-deficient mice
  439. Enhanced Apoptosisin Metallothionein Null Cells
  440. Environmental enrichment inhibits spontaneous Apoptosis, prevents seizures and is neuroprotective
  441. Environmental toxicity, oxidative stress and Apoptosis: Ménage à Trois
  442. Eosinophil Apoptosisand the resolution of airway inflammation in asthma.
  443. Epilepsy and ApoptosisPathways
  444. Epithelial cell growth and differentiation. II. Intestinal Apoptosis
  445. ER Stress Triggers Apoptosisby Activating BH3-Only Protein Bim
  446. Erythropoietin prevents neuronal Apoptosisafter cerebral ischemia and metabolic stress
  447. Essential role of the mitochondrial Apoptosis-inducing factor in programmed cell death
  448. Estrogen promotes Apoptosisof murine osteoclasts mediated by TGF–β
  449. Estrogens inhibit and androgens enhance ovarian granulosa cell Apoptosis
  450. Evading Apoptosisin cancer
  451. Evidence for Synaptic Apoptosis
  452. Evidence of Apoptosisin Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia
  453. Evidence of Apoptosisin human diabetic kidney
  454. Evidence that 4-Hydroxynonenal Mediates Oxidative Stress-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis
  455. Evidence that BCL-2 represses Apoptosisby regulating endoplasmic reticulum-associated Ca2+ fluxes
  456. Evolving Concepts of Apoptosisin Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  457. Expression and Targeting of the ApoptosisInhibitor, Survivin, in Human Melanoma
  458. Expression of galectin-3 modulates T-cell growth and Apoptosis
  459. Extrinsic versus intrinsic Apoptosispathways in anticancer chemotherapy
  460. FADD, a novel death domain-containing protein, interacts with the death domain of fas and initiates Apoptosis
  461. FADD: Essential for Embryo Development and Signaling from Some, But Not All, Inducers of Apoptosis
  462. Fas Ligand-Induced Apoptosis
  463. Fas Ligand-Induced Apoptosisas a Mechanism of Immune Privilege
  464. Fas-Mediated Apoptosis
  465. Fatty acid depletion is a reversible cause of kynurenine induced T cell Apoptosis
  466. FLICE-Inhibitory Proteins: Regulators of Death Receptor-Mediated Apoptosis
  467. Fluorometric and Colorimetric Detection of Caspase Activity Associated with Apoptosis
  468. FOXOs, cancer and regulation of Apoptosis
  469. Free radicals, exercise, Apoptosis, and heat shock proteins.
  470. From bench to clinic with Apoptosis-based therapeutic agents
  471. Functions of gelsolin: motility, signaling, Apoptosis, cancer
  472. Galectins in cell growth and Apoptosis
  473. Gasdermin pores permeabilize mitochondria to augment caspase-3 activation during Apoptosisand inflammasome activation
  474. Genetic determinants of p53-induced Apoptosisand growth arrest.
  475. Glaucoma, Apoptosis, and neuroprotection.
  476. Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Signaling Modulates β Cell Apoptosis
  477. Glucagon-Like Peptides: Regulators of Cell Proliferation, Differentiation, and Apoptosis
  478. Glucocorticoid-induced Apoptosisin the thymus.
  479. Glucocorticoids in T cell Apoptosisand function
  480. Glucosylceramide synthase and Apoptosis
  481. Glutathione and modulation of cell Apoptosis
  482. Glutathione and Apoptosis
  483. Gonadal cell Apoptosis.
  484. Granulocyte Apoptosisand inflammatory
  485. Granulocyte Apoptosisand the control of inflammation
  486. Granzymes: exogenous porteinases that induce target cell Apoptosis
  487. Growth Factor Regulation of Autophagy and Cell Survival in the Absence of Apoptosis
  488. Haemopoietic colony stimulating factors promote cell survival by suppressing Apoptosis
  489. HBXIP functions as a cofactor of survivin in Apoptosissuppression
  490. Heat Shock Proteins Increase Resistance to Apoptosis
  491. Heat shock proteins: essential proteins for Apoptosisregulation
  492. Heat-shock protein 70 antagonizes Apoptosis-inducing factor
  493. Heat-shock proteins as regulators of Apoptosis
  494. Hepatocyte Apoptosisand fas expression are prominent features of human nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  495. Hierarchical regulation of mitochondrion-dependent Apoptosisby BCL-2 subfamilies
  496. High levels of EGFR prevent sulforaphane-induced reactive oxygen species-mediated Apoptosisin non-small-cell lung cancer cells
  497. High-Glucose–Triggered Apoptosisin Cultured Endothelial Cells
  498. Hippo promotes proliferation arrest and Apoptosisin the Salvador/Warts pathway
  499. Histochemical detection of Apoptosisin Parkinson’s disease
  500. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors: Inducers of Differentiation or Apoptosisof Transformed Cells
  501. Histopathological Evaluation of Apoptosisin Cancer
  502. Host defense, viruses and Apoptosis
  503. How cells die: Apoptosispathways
  504. How melanoma cells evade trail-induced Apoptosis
  505. HSP27 and HSP70: Potentially Oncogenic ApoptosisInhibitors
  506. Hsp60 Regulation of Tumor Cell Apoptosis
  507. Human chondrocyte Apoptosisin response to mechanical injury
  508. Human cytomegalovirus IE1 and IE2 proteins block Apoptosis.
  509. Human Dendritic Cells Mediate Cellular Apoptosisvia Tumor Necrosis Factor–Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (Trail)
  510. Humanin peptide suppresses Apoptosisby interfering with Bax activation
  511. IAP Antagonists Induce Autoubiquitination of c-IAPs, NF-κB Activation, and TNFα-Dependent Apoptosis
  512. IAP Antagonists Target cIAP1 to Induce TNFα-Dependent Apoptosis
  513. IAP family proteins—suppressors of Apoptosis
  514. IAP proteins: blocking the road to death’s door
  515. ICE-like proteases in Apoptosis
  516. Identification and characterization of a new member of the TNF family that induces Apoptosis
  517. Identification and inhibition of the ICE/CED-3 protease necessary for mammalian Apoptosis
  518. Identification of Deoxyribonuclease II as an Endonuclease Involved in Apoptosis
  519. If not Apoptosis, then what? Treatment-induced senescence and mitotic catastrophe in tumor cells
  520. IL-21 promotes allergic airway inflammation by driving Apoptosisof FoxP3+ regulatory T cells
  521. Immune escape of tumors: Apoptosisresistance and tumor counterattack
  522. Immunohistochemical evidence for Apoptosisin Alzheimer’s disease.
  523. Implication of mitochondria in Apoptosis
  524. In vivo induction of Apoptosisby influenza virus
  525. Inactivation of the Apoptosiseffector Apaf-1 in malignant melanoma
  526. Increased bone formation by prevention of osteoblast Apoptosiswith parathyroid hormone
  527. Increased islet Apoptosisin Pdx1+/– mice
  528. Increased placental Apoptosisin intrauterine growth restriction
  529. Increased placental Apoptosisin pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia
  530. Inducible Apoptosisas a Safety Switch for Adoptive Cell Therapy
  531. Induction by antigen of intrathymic Apoptosisof CD4+CD8+TCRlo thymocytes in vivo
  532. Induction of a Common Pathway of Apoptosisby Staurosporine
  533. Induction of bax by genotoxic stress in human cells correlates with normal p53 status and Apoptosis.
  534. Induction of DNA strand breaks associated with Apoptosisduring treatment of leukemias.
  535. Induction of gastric epithelial Apoptosisby Helicobacter pylori.
  536. Induction of TNF Receptor I-Mediated Apoptosisvia Two Sequential Signaling Complexes
  537. Induction of Apoptosisand Inhibition of Cell Proliferation bysurvivin Gene Targeting
  538. Induction of Apoptosisas well as Necrosis by Hypoxia and Predominant Prevention of Apoptosis by Bcl-2 and Bcl-X
  539. Induction of Apoptosisby Apo-2 Ligand, a New Member of the Tumor Necrosis Factor Cytokine Family
  540. Induction of Apoptosisby Cancer Chemotherapy
  541. Induction of Apoptosisby the Bcl-2 homologue Bak
  542. Induction of Apoptosisby the low-affinity NGF receptor
  543. Induction of Apoptosisin fibroblasts by c-myc protein
  544. Induction of Apoptosisin mature T cells by tumour necrosis factor
  545. Induction of Apoptosisin uninfected lymphocytes by HIV-1 Tat protein
  546. Induction of Apoptosis–new targets for cancer chemotherapy.
  547. Infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis promotes human alveolar macrophage Apoptosis.
  548. Inhibition of Macroautophagy Triggers Apoptosis
  549. Inhibition of Myofibroblast Apoptosisby Transforming Growth Factor β1
  550. Inhibition of Neuroepithelial Patched-Induced Apoptosisby Sonic Hedgehog
  551. Inhibition of pp125FAK in cultured fibroblasts results in Apoptosis.
  552. Inhibition of TNF-induced Apoptosisby NF-κB
  553. Inhibition of VEGF receptors causes lung cell Apoptosisand emphysema
  554. Inhibition of Apoptosisand prolongation of neutrophil functional longevity by inflammatory mediators
  555. Inhibition of Apoptosisby Survivin Predicts Shorter Survival Rates in Colorectal Cancer
  556. Inhibition of Apoptosisduring Development of Colorectal Cancer
  557. Inhibition of Apoptosisinduced by ischemia-reperfusion prevents inflammation
  558. Inhibitor of Apoptosisproteins and Apoptosis
  559. Inhibitor of ApoptosisProteins: Translating Basic Knowledge into Clinical Practice
  560. Injected cytochrome c induces Apoptosis
  561. Integrating the mechanisms of Apoptosisinduced by endoplasmic reticulum stress
  562. Integrative analysis reveals CRHBP inhibits renal cell carcinoma progression by regulating inflammation and Apoptosis
  563. Integrin αvβ3 antagonists promote tumor regression by inducing Apoptosisof angiogenic blood vessels
  564. Integrins, adhesion and Apoptosis
  565. Interaction of c-Abl and p73α and their collaboration to induce Apoptosis
  566. Interleukin 1 is processed and released during Apoptosis
  567. Interleukin-15 protects from lethal Apoptosisin vivo
  568. Interleukin-6 Delays Neutrophil Apoptosis
  569. Interleukin-6 Inhibits Apoptosisof Malignant Plasma Cells
  570. Internalization of Staphylococcus aureusby Endothelial Cells Induces Apoptosis
  571. Internucleosomal DNA Cleavage Should not be the Sole Criterion for Identifying Apoptosis
  572. Intracellular Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Concentration: A Switch in the Decision Between Apoptosisand Necrosis
  573. Intracellular ATP Levels Determine Cell Death Fate by Apoptosisor Necrosis
  574. Intracellular infection by Leishmania donovani inhibits macrophage Apoptosis.
  575. Intracellular K+ Suppresses the Activation of Apoptosisin Lymphocytes
  576. Intracellular redox changes during Apoptosis.
  577. Intracellular Regulation of TRAIL-Induced Apoptosisin Human Melanoma Cells
  578. Intracellular unesterified arachidonic acid signals Apoptosis
  579. Intrinsic Apoptosisshapes the tumor spectrum linked to inactivation of the deubiquitinase BAP1
  580. Investigation of protein conformational changes as a signal for Apoptosis
  581. Involvement of an ICE-like protease in Fas-mediated Apoptosis
  582. Involvement of the TIP60 Histone Acetylase Complex in DNA Repair and Apoptosis
  584. Ion homeostasis and Apoptosis
  585. Ionizing radiation acts on cellular membranes to generate ceramide and initiate Apoptosis.
  586. Ions, cell volume, and Apoptosis
  587. Is Cisplatin-Induced Cell Death Always Produced by Apoptosis?
  588. Is ApoptosisKey in Alzheimer’s Disease?
  589. Ischemia-induced neuronal Apoptosis
  590. JNK signaling in Apoptosis
  591. JNK-Mediated BIM Phosphorylation Potentiates BAX-Dependent Apoptosis
  592. Keratocyte Apoptosisafter corneal surgery.
  593. Keratocyte ApoptosisAssociated with Keratoconus
  594. Key morphological features of Apoptosismay occur in the absence of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation.
  595. Lamin proteolysis facilitates nuclear events during Apoptosis.
  596. Life and death partners: Apoptosis, autophagy and the cross-talk between them
  597. Life in the balance: how BH3-only proteins induce Apoptosis
  598. Ligand-Based Targeting of Apoptosisin Cancer: The Potential of Recombinant Human Apoptosis Ligand 2/Tumor Necrosis Factor–Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (rhApo2L/TRAIL)
  599. Linkage of chondrocyte Apoptosisand cartilage degradation in human osteoarthritis
  600. Lipopolysaccharide Induces Disseminated Endothelial ApoptosisRequiring Ceramide Generation
  601. Liver Apoptosis
  602. Livin, a Novel Inhibitor of ApoptosisProtein Family Member
  603. lnterleukin-2 programs mouse αβ T lymphocytes for Apoptosis
  604. Loss of the cylindromatosis tumour suppressor inhibits Apoptosisby activating NF-κB
  605. Loss of the maintenance methyltransferase, xDnmt1, induces Apoptosisin Xenopus embryos
  606. Lymphoproliferation disorder in mice explained by defects in Fas antigen that mediates Apoptosis
  607. Lysosomal destabilization in p53-induced Apoptosis
  608. Lysosomal involvement in Apoptosis
  609. Macrophage recognition of cells undergoing programmed cell death (Apoptosis).
  610. Macrophage Apoptosisby Anthrax Lethal Factor Through p38 MAP Kinase Inhibition
  611. Macrophage Apoptosisin mycobacterial infections
  612. Macrophage Apoptosisin Tuberculosis
  613. Major DNA Fragmentation Is a Late Event in Apoptosis
  614. Mammalian Caspases: Structure, Activation, Substrates, and Functions During Apoptosis
  615. MATURE T LYMPHOCYTE Apoptosis—Immune Regulation in a Dynamic and Unpredictable Antigenic Environment
  616. Measuring and Modeling Apoptosisin Single Cells
  617. Mechanisms and consequences of macrophage Apoptosisin atherosclerosis
  618. Mechanisms of bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced endothelial Apoptosis
  619. Mechanisms of Caspase Activation and Inhibition during Apoptosis
  620. Mechanisms of CD95 (APO-1/Fas)-mediated Apoptosis
  621. Mechanisms of chondrocyte Apoptosis
  622. Mechanisms of p53-dependent Apoptosis
  623. Mechanisms of p53-mediated Apoptosis
  624. Mechanisms of resistance to TRAIL-induced Apoptosisin cancer
  625. Mechanisms of TGF-β-mediated Apoptosis
  626. Mechanisms of Apoptosis
  627. Mechanisms of Apoptosisby c-Myc
  629. Mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced neuronal Apoptosis
  630. Mechanisms underlying nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug-mediated Apoptosis
  631. Mediation of c-Myc-induced Apoptosisby p53
  632. Mediation of Neuronal Apoptosisby Enhancement of Outward Potassium Current
  633. Mediation of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1-Dependent Cell Death by Apoptosis-Inducing Factor
  634. Mediators of endoplasmic reticulum stress‐induced Apoptosis
  635. MEK Inhibition Enhances Paclitaxel-induced Tumor Apoptosis
  636. Membrane blebbing during Apoptosisresults from caspase-mediated activation of ROCK I
  637. Mesenchymal stem cells induce Apoptosisof activated T cells
  638. Metal-induced Apoptosis: mechanisms
  639. Metals and Apoptosis: Recent developments
  640. Methylmercury-induced neurotoxicity and Apoptosis
  641. Microglia Shape Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis through Apoptosis-Coupled Phagocytosis
  642. MicroRNA and cancer – focus on Apoptosis
  643. MicroRNA-1 Regulates Cardiomyocyte Apoptosisby Targeting Bcl-2
  644. MicroRNA-101, Down-regulated in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Promotes Apoptosisand Suppresses Tumorigenicity
  645. MicroRNAs in cancer cell death pathways: Apoptosisand necroptosis
  646. Microtubule-targeted anticancer agents and Apoptosis
  647. miR-15 and miR-16 induce Apoptosisby targeting BCL2
  648. mir-29 regulates Mcl-1 protein expression and Apoptosis
  649. miR-34a repression of SIRT1 regulates Apoptosis
  650. MiR-35 buffers Apoptosisthresholds in the C. elegans germline by antagonizing both MAPK and core Apoptosis pathways
  651. miRNAs and Apoptosis: RNAs to die for
  652. Mitochondria and Apoptosis
  653. Mitochondria and Apoptosis
  654. Mitochondria as regulators of Apoptosis: doubt no more
  655. Mitochondria as the central control point of Apoptosis
  656. Mitochondria in Apoptosis: Bcl-2 Family Members and Mitochondrial Dynamics
  657. Mitochondria, oxygen free radicals, and Apoptosis
  658. Mitochondrial Ca2+ and Apoptosis
  659. Mitochondrial control of nuclear Apoptosis
  660. Mitochondrial control of Apoptosis
  661. Mitochondrial control of Apoptosis: an introduction
  662. Mitochondrial control of Apoptosis: the role of cytochrome c
  663. Mitochondrial Disruption in Drosophila Apoptosis
  664. Mitochondrial DNA Mutations, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosisin Mammalian Aging
  665. Mitochondrial dynamics and Apoptosis
  666. Mitochondrial fission in Apoptosis
  667. Mitochondrial fission in Apoptosis, neurodegeneration and aging
  668. Mitochondrial mechanisms of neural cell Apoptosis
  669. Mitochondrial OPA1, Apoptosis, and heart failure
  670. Mitochondrial permeability transition in Ca2+-dependent Apoptosisand necrosis
  671. Mitochondrial permeability transition is a central coordinating event of Apoptosis.
  672. Mitochondrial permeability transition triggers lymphocyte Apoptosis.
  673. Mitochondrial permeability transition: a common pathway to necrosis and Apoptosis
  674. Mitochondrial photodamage and PDT-induced Apoptosis
  675. Mitochondrial Regulation of Apoptosis
  676. Mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitors induce Apoptosis
  677. Mitochondrial survivin inhibits Apoptosisand promotes tumorigenesis
  678. Mitogen-activated protein kinases in Apoptosisregulation
  679. Modulation of Apoptosisby the widely distributed Bcl-2 homologue Bak
  680. Molecular characterization of mitochondrial Apoptosis-inducing factor
  681. Molecular control of neutrophil Apoptosis
  682. Molecular controls of growth arrest and Apoptosis: p53-dependent and independent pathways.
  683. Molecular mechanisms of caspase regulation during Apoptosis
  684. Molecular mechanisms of UV‐induced Apoptosis
  685. Molecular mechanisms of Apoptosisin the cardiac myocyte
  686. Molecular regulation of Apoptosis: Genetic controls on cell death
  687. Molecular steps of death receptor and mitochondrial pathways of Apoptosis
  688. Monoclonal antibody-mediated tumor regression by induction of Apoptosis
  689. Morphine Enhances Macrophage Apoptosis
  690. Morphologic and biochemical hallmarks of Apoptosis
  691. Morphologic criteria and detection of Apoptosis
  692. Morphological assessment of Apoptosis
  693. Movement of Bax from the Cytosol to Mitochondria during Apoptosis
  694. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce T lymphocyte Apoptosis
  695. Myc signaling via the ARF tumor suppressor regulates p53-dependent Apoptosisand immortalization
  696. Myocardial Apoptosisand ischemic preconditioning
  697. Myocyte Apoptosisin heart failure
  698. NADH Oxidase Activity of Mitochondrial Apoptosis-inducing Factor
  699. Near-Infrared Fluorescent Imaging of Tumor Apoptosis
  700. Necrosis and Apoptosisin acute renal failure.
  701. Neoadjuvant Trastuzumab Induces Apoptosisin Primary Breast Cancers
  702. Neural Apoptosis
  703. Neuronal and Glial Apoptosisafter Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
  704. Neuronal Apoptosisin HIV infection in adults
  705. Neuroprotection by the Inhibition of Apoptosis
  706. Neurotransmitters and Apoptosisin the developing brain
  707. Neurotrophin signalling pathways regulating neuronal Apoptosis
  708. Neutrophil Apoptosisin the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  709. Neutrophil Apoptosisis delayed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
  710. Neutrophil Apoptosispathways and their modifications in inflammation
  711. NFkappaB prevents Apoptosisand liver dysfunction during liver regeneration.
  712. Nitric oxide (NO): an effector of Apoptosis
  713. Nitric oxide and its role in Apoptosis
  714. Nitric Oxide as a Bifunctional Regulator of Apoptosis
  715. Nitric Oxide as a Bioregulator of Apoptosis
  716. Nitric oxide induces Apoptosisin mouse thymocytes.
  717. Nitric Oxide Inhibits Fas-induced Apoptosis
  718. Nitric Oxide Synthase Induces Macrophage Death by Apoptosis
  719. Nitric oxide: NO Apoptosisor turning it ON?
  720. Nitric oxide-mediated Apoptosisin murine peritoneal macrophages.
  721. NMR structure and mutagenesis of the inhibitor-of-Apoptosisprotein XIAP
  722. No PUMA, no death: Implications for p53-dependent Apoptosis
  723. NODs: intracellular proteins involved in inflammation and Apoptosis
  724. Noncaspase proteases in Apoptosis
  725. Non-genetic origins of cell-to-cell variability in TRAIL-induced Apoptosis
  726. Noninvasive real-time imaging of Apoptosis
  727. Noxa, a BH3-Only Member of the Bcl-2 Family and Candidate Mediator of p53-Induced Apoptosis
  728. Nuclear changes in Apoptosis
  729. Nuclear factor-κB, cancer, and Apoptosis
  730. Oocyte Apoptosis: Like Sand through an Hourglass
  731. Opposing Effects of ERK and JNK-p38 MAP Kinases on Apoptosis
  732. Osteoarthritis chondrocytes die by Apoptosis: A possible pathway for osteoarthritis pathology
  733. Osteocyte Apoptosis
  734. Overexpression of Akt/AKT can modulate chemotherapy-induced Apoptosis.
  735. Oxidative stress and Apoptosis
  736. Oxidative stress as a mediator of Apoptosis
  737. Oxidative Stress Inhibits Apoptosisin Human Lymphoma Cells
  738. Oxidative stress: the mitochondria-dependent and mitochondria-independent pathways of Apoptosis
  739. Oxidative Stress: Apoptosisin Neuronal Injury
  740. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced Apoptosis
  741. Oxidized Mitochondrial DNA Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome during Apoptosis
  742. Oxygen Stress: A Regulator of Apoptosisin Yeast
  743. p53- and ATM-Dependent ApoptosisInduced by Telomeres Lacking TRF2
  744. P53- and CD95-associated Apoptosisin neurodegenerative diseases.
  745. p53 and E2F-1 cooperate to mediate Apoptosis
  746. p53 and Apoptosis
  747. p53 expression in nitric oxide‐induced Apoptosis
  748. p53 in neuronal Apoptosis
  749. p53 in signaling checkpoint arrest or Apoptosis
  750. p53 Induces Apoptosisby Caspase Activation through Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Release
  751. p53 is required for radiation-induced Apoptosisin mouse thymocytes
  752. P53, cell cycle control and Apoptosis: Implications for cancer
  753. p53: A Guide to Apoptosis
  754. p53-dependent Induction of Apoptosisby Proteasome Inhibitors
  755. p53-dependent pathways of Apoptosis
  756. p53-Dependent Apoptosisin the absence of transcriptional activation of p53-target genes
  757. p53-dependent Apoptosismodulates the cytotoxicity of anticancer agents
  758. p53-Dependent Apoptosispathways
  759. p53-Dependent Apoptosissuppresses tumor growth and progression in vivo
  760. p53RDL1 regulates p53-dependent Apoptosis
  761. p62 at the Crossroads of Autophagy, Apoptosis, and Cancer
  762. p73 induces Apoptosisby different mechanisms
  763. p73 is a human p53-related protein that can induce Apoptosis
  764. Palmitate-induced ApoptosisCan Occur through a Ceramide-independent Pathway
  765. PARP is important for genomic stability but dispensable in Apoptosis
  766. Participation of cyclin A in Myc-induced Apoptosis
  767. Pathways of Apoptosisin Lymphocyte Development, Homeostasis, and Disease
  768. Pathways to neuronal injury and Apoptosisin HIV-associated dementia
  769. Peroxynitrite Causes Apoptosisin Rat Thymocytes
  770. Peroxynitrite-induced Apoptosisin HL-60 Cells
  771. Phagocyte recognition of cells undergoing Apoptosis
  772. Phagocytic docking without shocking
  773. Phase 2 inducers and related signaling pathways protect cartilage against inflammation, Apoptosisand stress
  774. Phosphorylation of Bcl2 and regulation of Apoptosis
  775. Phospolipase A2 and Apoptosis
  776. Photodynamic therapy: A mitochondrial inducer of Apoptosis
  777. Physiology of Apoptosis
  778. PI3K/Akt and Apoptosis: size matters
  779. PI3K: Downstream AKTion Blocks Apoptosis
  780. PKB and the mitochondria: AKTing on Apoptosis
  781. PKR, Apoptosisand cancer
  782. Placental Apoptosisin normal human pregnancy
  783. Placental Apoptosisin preeclampsia
  784. Polyamines and Apoptosis.
  785. Possible mechanisms of paclitaxel-induced Apoptosis.
  786. Premature p34cdc2 activation required for Apoptosis
  787. Prevention of osteocyte and osteoblast Apoptosisby bisphosphonates and calcitonin
  788. Prevention of Apoptosisby Bcl-2: Release of Cytochrome c from Mitochondria Blocked
  789. Probiotic Bacterium Prevents Cytokine-induced Apoptosisin Intestinal Epithelial Cells
  790. Programmed cell death and Apoptosis: origins of the theory
  791. Programmed cell death, Apoptosisand killer genes
  792. Programmed cell death: necrosis versus Apoptosis.
  793. Proinflammatory Cytokines Disrupt Epithelial Barrier Function by Apoptosis-Independent Mechanisms
  794. Proliferation, cell cycle and Apoptosisin cancer
  795. Promoting Apoptosisas a strategy for cancer drug discovery
  796. Protease Activation during Apoptosis: Death by a Thousand Cuts?
  797. Proteasomes play an essential role in thymocyte Apoptosis
  798. Protection from Fas-mediated Apoptosisby a soluble form of the Fas molecule
  799. Protein kinase C involvement in Apoptosis
  800. Protein translocation in Apoptosis
  801. Proteolysis of Fodrin (Non-erythroid Spectrin) during Apoptosis
  803. PUMA Induces the Rapid Apoptosisof Colorectal Cancer Cells
  804. Purines and their roles in Apoptosis
  805. Radiation and ceramide-induced Apoptosis
  806. Radiation-induced Apoptosis
  807. Radiation-induced Apoptosis: Relevance to radiotherapy
  808. Rapamycin pre-treatment protects against Apoptosis
  809. Ras signalling and Apoptosis
  810. Rb function in cell-cycle regulation and Apoptosis
  811. Reactive oxygen species and yeast Apoptosis
  812. Reactive oxygen species are downstream mediators of p53-dependent Apoptosis
  813. Reactive Oxygen Species Regulate Activation-Induced T Cell Apoptosis
  814. Reactive oxygen species, cellular redox systems, and Apoptosis
  815. Reactive oxygen species, mitochondria, Apoptosisand aging
  816. Recognition and phagocytosis of cells undergoing Apoptosis
  817. Redox Regulation of the Caspases during Apoptosis
  818. Reduced Apoptosisand Cytochrome c–Mediated Caspase Activation in Mice Lacking Caspase 9
  819. Regulation and measurement of oxidative stress in Apoptosis
  820. Regulation of cell death: the calcium–Apoptosislink
  821. Regulation of cell number in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract: the importance of Apoptosis
  823. Regulation of death receptor-mediated Apoptosispathways
  824. Regulation of proliferation, survival and Apoptosisby members of the TNF superfamily
  825. Regulation of Apoptosisat cell division by p34cdc2 phosphorylation of survivin
  826. Regulation of Apoptosisby Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing
  827. Regulation of Apoptosisby Bcl‐2 family proteins
  828. Regulation of Apoptosisby endoplasmic reticulum pathways
  829. Regulation of Apoptosisby viral gene products.
  830. Regulation of Apoptosisin Drosophila
  831. Regulation of Apoptosisin health and disease: the balancing act of BCL-2 family proteins
  832. Regulation of Apoptosisin the immune system
  833. Regulation of Apoptosis: the ubiquitous way
  834. Relationship of Mitotic Arrest and Apoptosisto Antitumor Effect of Paclitaxel
  835. Reperfusion injury induces Apoptosisin rabbit cardiomyocytes.
  836. Requirement for BMP Signaling in Interdigital Apoptosisand Scale Formation
  837. Requirement for Caspase-2 in Stress-Induced ApoptosisBefore Mitochondrial Permeabilization
  838. Requirement for ceramide-initiated SAPK/JNK signalling in stress-induced Apoptosis
  839. Requirement for ERK Activation in Cisplatin-induced Apoptosis
  840. Requirement for phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase in the prevention of Apoptosisby nerve growth factor
  841. Requirement of an ICE/CED-3 protease for Fas/APO-1-mediated Apoptosis
  842. Resistance to ApoptosisConferred by Cdk Inhibitors During Myocyte Differentiation
  843. Retinal ganglion cell death in experimental glaucoma and after axotomy occurs by Apoptosis.
  844. Review: Nuclear Events in Apoptosis
  845. Review: The role of glutathione in the regulation of Apoptosis.
  846. RGD peptides induce Apoptosisby direct caspase-3 activation
  847. Rho signals to cell growth and Apoptosis
  848. Role for the p53 homologue p73 in E2F-1-induced Apoptosis
  849. Role of Gadd45 in Apoptosis
  850. Role of HIF-1α in hypoxia-mediated Apoptosis, cell proliferation and tumour angiogenesis
  851. Role of HMGB1 in Apoptosis-mediated sepsis lethality
  852. Role of JNK activation in Apoptosis: A double-edged sword
  853. Role of Mitochondria in Apoptosis
  854. Role of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Cleavage in Apoptosis
  855. Role of reactive oxygen species in Apoptosis: implications for cancer therapy
  856. Role of Apoptosisin disease
  857. Role of Apoptosisin reperfusion injury
  858. Role of Apoptosisin Sarcopenia
  859. Salinomycin induces Apoptosisand overcomes Apoptosis resistance in human cancer cells
  860. Salmonella typhimurium invasion induces Apoptosisin infected macrophages
  861. Screening and Detection of Apoptosis
  862. Senescence, Apoptosisor Autophagy?
  863. Sensitization for Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand-Induced Apoptosisby the Chemopreventive Agent Resveratrol
  864. Sensitization of T cells to CD95-mediated Apoptosisby HIV-1 Tat and gp120
  865. Serial killers: ordering caspase activation events in Apoptosis
  866. Serine/Threonine Protein Kinases and Apoptosis
  867. Serine/threonine protein phosphatases in Apoptosis
  868. Shear stress inhibits Apoptosisof human endothelial cells
  869. Shiga toxins and Apoptosis
  870. Shigella flexneri induces Apoptosisin infected macrophages
  871. Signal transduction pathways to Apoptosis
  872. Signalling mechanisms and oxidative stress in Apoptosis
  873. Signalling Apoptosis: a radical approach
  874. Signals leading to Apoptosis-dependent inhibition of neovascularization by thrombospondin-1
  875. Sirtuin regulation of mitochondria: energy production, Apoptosis, and signaling
  876. S-nitrosylation regulates Apoptosis
  877. Specific Proteolytic Cleavage of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase: An Early Marker of Chemotherapy-induced Apoptosis
  878. Sphingomyelin hydrolysis during Apoptosis
  879. Sphingosine in Apoptosissignaling
  880. Sphingosine kinase, sphingosine-1-phosphate, and Apoptosis
  881. Sphingosine kinases, sphingosine 1-phosphate, Apoptosisand diseases
  882. Sphingosine-induced Apoptosisis dependent on lysosomal proteases.
  883. Statin-induced Apoptosisand skeletal myopathy
  884. Staurosporine-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis
  885. Stress management – heat shock protein-70 and the regulation of Apoptosis
  886. STRESS signaling pathways that modulate cardiac myocyte Apoptosis
  887. Stress-induced Apoptosisand the sphingomyelin pathway
  888. Structure of Bcl-xL-Bak Peptide Complex: Recognition Between Regulators of Apoptosis
  889. Subcellular location prediction of Apoptosisproteins
  890. Sunlight and sunburn in human skin cancer: p53, Apoptosis, and tumor promotion.
  892. Suppression of ICE and Apoptosisin mammary epithelial cells by extracellular matrix
  893. Suppression of TNF-α-Induced Apoptosisby NF-κB
  894. Survivin and Apoptosiscontrol
  895. Survivin in Apoptosiscontrol and cell cycle regulation in cancer.
  896. Survivin, versatile modulation of cell division and Apoptosisin cancer
  897. Survivin: A Bifunctional Inhibitor of ApoptosisProtein
  898. Survivin: Key Regulator of Mitosis and Apoptosisand Novel Target for Cancer Therapeutics
  899. T Cell Apoptosisby Kynurenines
  900. T cell Apoptosisby tryptophan catabolism
  901. Targeting the extrinsic Apoptosispathway in cancer
  902. Targeting ApoptosisPathways in Cancer Therapy
  903. T-cell Apoptosisdetected in situ during positive and negative selection in the thymus
  904. Techniques for the Study of Apoptosisin Bone
  905. Telomere shortening and Apoptosisin telomerase-inhibited human tumor cells
  906. Termination of Drosophila mushroom body neurogenesis via autophagy and Apoptosis
  907. The bcl-2 oncogene and Apoptosis.
  908. The Beclin 1 network regulates autophagy and Apoptosis
  909. The biochemistry of cell death by Apoptosis
  910. The biochemistry of Apoptosis
  911. The CD95 (APO-1/Fas) and the TRAIL (APO-2L) ApoptosisSystems
  912. The CD95 Receptor: ApoptosisRevisited
  913. The Central Executioner of Apoptosis: Multiple Connections between Protease Activation and Mitochondria in Fas/APO-1/CD95- and Ceramide-induced Apoptosis
  914. The central executioners of Apoptosis: caspases or mitochondria?
  915. The control of Apoptosisin mammalian cells
  916. The cytopathic effect of hiv is associated with Apoptosis
  917. The dark side of Ras: regulation of Apoptosis
  918. The expanding role of mitochondria in Apoptosis
  919. The function of PML in p53-dependent Apoptosis
  920. The genetic regulation of Apoptosis
  921. The harlequin mouse mutation downregulates Apoptosis-inducing factor
  922. The IGF-I receptor in cell growth, transformation and Apoptosis
  923. The Induction of Apoptosisby Bacterial Pathogens
  924. The inhibitors of Apoptosis(IAPs) and their emerging role in cancer
  925. The miR-34 family in cancer and Apoptosis
  926. The Mitochondrial Death Pathway and Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis
  928. The Mitochondrial Pathways of Apoptosis
  929. The mitochondrion in Apoptosis: how Pandora’s box opens
  930. The Mitochondrion: Is It Central to Apoptosis?
  931. The molecular biology of Apoptosis
  932. The morphology of Apoptosis
  933. The p53 pathway and Apoptosis
  934. The Pathways of Cell Death: Oncosis, Apoptosis, and Necrosis
  935. The pharmacology of Apoptosis
  936. The proto-oncogene Bcl-2 and its role in regulating Apoptosis
  937. The regulatory role of nitric oxide in Apoptosis
  938. The Release of Cytochrome c from Mitochondria: A Primary Site for Bcl-2 Regulation of Apoptosis
  939. The Role of Calcium in the Regulation of Apoptosis
  940. The role of calcium in Apoptosis
  941. The Role of c-FLIP in Modulation of CD95-induced Apoptosis
  942. The role of DNA fragmentation in Apoptosis
  943. The role of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) in hypoxia induced Apoptosis
  944. The role of intracellular oxidants in Apoptosis
  945. The Role of Mitochondria in Apoptosis*
  946. The role of mitochondria in Apoptosis.
  947. The role of proteases during Apoptosis.
  948. The Role of STATs in Apoptosis
  949. The role of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in Apoptosis
  950. The role of Apoptosisin cancer development and treatment response
  951. The role of Apoptosisin wound healing
  952. The roles of microRNA in cancer and Apoptosis
  953. The therapeutic promise of Apoptosis
  954. The transcription factor ETS1 promotes Apoptosisresistance of senescent cholangiocytes by epigenetically up-regulating the Apoptosis suppressor BCL2L1
  955. The transcriptional targets of p53 in Apoptosiscontrol
  956. The Apoptosisendonuclease and its regulation.
  957. The Apoptosis/autophagy paradox: autophagic vacuolization before apoptotic death
  958. Thymocyte Apoptosisinduced by p53-dependent and independent pathways
  959. TIGAR, a p53-Inducible Regulator of Glycolysis and Apoptosis
  960. TNF- and Cancer Therapy-Induced Apoptosis: Potentiation by Inhibition of NF-κB
  961. TNF-Induced Signaling in Apoptosis
  962. To kill or be killed: viral evasion of Apoptosis
  963. Topoisomerase II-reactive Chemotherapeutic Drugs Induce Apoptosisin Thymocytes
  964. TRAIL and Apoptosisinduction by TNF-family death receptors
  965. TRAIL receptor-2 signals Apoptosisthrough FADD and caspase-8
  966. TRAIL-induced signalling and Apoptosis
  967. TRAIL‐R2: a novel Apoptosis‐mediating receptor for TRAIL
  968. Transactivation of miR-34a by p53 Broadly Influences Gene Expression and Promotes Apoptosis
  969. Transcription, Apoptosisand p53: catch-22
  970. Transcriptional Activation of miR-34a Contributes to p53-Mediated Apoptosis
  971. Translational control in stress and Apoptosis
  972. Tributyltin stimulates Apoptosisin rat thymocytes
  973. Triggering and modulation of Apoptosisby oxidative stress
  974. Triggering of Apoptosisby cathepsins
  975. Tumor Necrosis Factor: An ApoptosisJuNKie?
  976. Tumor Radiosensitivity and Apoptosis
  977. Tumor resistance to Apoptosis
  978. Tumor Response to Radiotherapy Regulated by Endothelial Cell Apoptosis
  979. Tumor suppressor PTEN: modulator of cell signaling, growth, migration and Apoptosis
  980. Tumoricidal activity of tumor necrosis factor–related Apoptosis–inducing ligand in vivo
  981. twist is a potential oncogene that inhibits Apoptosis
  982. Two Distinct Pathways Leading to Nuclear Apoptosis
  983. Tyrosine dephosphorylation of H2AX modulates Apoptosisand survival decisions
  984. VDAC2 Inhibits BAK Activation and Mitochondrial Apoptosis
  985. Very Delayed Infarction after Mild Focal Cerebral Ischemia: A Role for Apoptosis?
  986. Viral Control of Mitochondrial Apoptosis
  987. Viral FLICE-inhibitory proteins (FLIPs) prevent Apoptosisinduced by death receptors
  988. Virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains Evade Apoptosisof Infected Alveolar Macrophages
  989. Viruses and Apoptosis
  990. Viruses and Apoptosis
  991. Viruses and Apoptosis
  992. Vitronectin receptor-mediated phagocytosis of cells undergoing Apoptosis
  993. WAF1/CIP1 Is Induced in p53-mediated G1 Arrest and Apoptosis
  994. Ways of dying: multiple pathways to Apoptosis
  995. What is Apoptosis, and why is it important? Education and debate
  996. Why are mitochondria involved in Apoptosis? Permeability transition pores and Apoptosisas selective mechanisms to eliminate superoxide‐producing mitochondria and cell
  997. Why Target Apoptosisin Cancer Treatment?
  998. Wild-type p53 induces Apoptosisof myeloid leukaemic cells that is inhibited by interleukin-6
  999. Wild-type p53 mediates Apoptosisby E1A, which is inhibited by E1B.
  1000. β-Cell Deficit and Increased β-Cell Apoptosisin Humans With Type 2 Diabetes