Fasting: The Final Frontier

What is Fasting?

In the broadest sense, fasting is the act of abstaining from particular pleasure(s) for a specified amount of time. The pleasure(s) could include food, drinks, intimacy, drugs, etc. There are many different types of fasting, but only the most effective forms will be discussed.

Types of Fasting 

1.) Water Fasting- Consumption of water only for a specified amount of time.

2.) Dry Fasting- Absolute abstinence from food and water. This form is the most beneficial and effective type of fasting. Therefore, this kind will be emphasized the most. There are two ways to conduct a dry fast:

  • Soft Dry Fast- Abstinence from consuming food and water with the exception of water touching skin (showers, brushing teeth, swimming, etc.).

  • Hard Dry Fast- No food, water, or any water touching skin (as much as possible). This is the recommended route as it is most effective. During a dry fast your body works on suction, absorbing water and thereby diluting the mechanisms taking place with the dry fast. 

Dry Fasting: The Final Frontier

Unlike water fasting which flushes out toxins through the normal channels of the body (kidneys, liver, intestines, etc.), dry fasting forces each cell of your body to act as a mini furnace/incinerator which results in the death of weak, sick, old, and altered cells. It creates a survival of the fittest scenario within your body, eliminating all weaknesses and non-essentials in the body. Dry fasting rids the body of old and sick cells, in turn more stem cells are released into the body than usual, in order to occupy this vacated space. This encourages regeneration of the body and cellular renewal that cannot be accomplished by any other means. 

Cells that are used to living in a comfortable environment where they are accustomed to the consistent income of food and water become "lazy" as it were and begin to be a liability. Degenerate, weak, diseased cells do not stand a chance in a harsh environment, only the strong, resilient cells can survive such conditions. Furthermore, dry fasting creates an environment in your body where neither bacterium, viruses, pathogens, worms, parasites, fungi, etc., can exist. Only in an environment with adequate water can microorganisms survive, and inflammation thrive. In addition, the immune system has an easier time scavenging and killing the foreign. As soon as you begin to feel sick (sore throat, runny nose, cough, etc.) immediately stop consuming both food and water until sickness is gone. 

Instead of your body using outside food and water as a power source, during a dry fast it is now using adipose tissue (fat) and body reserves as a power supply. This adipose tissue is being split and broken down, resulting in metabolic water being produced. So, although there is no outside water coming in (other than from the air that your skin absorbs), you are actually getting a certain amount each day from metabolic water as a result of fat splitting. Adipocytes (cells of adipose tissue) provide the body with water, energy, and virtually all the properties necessary for life. Dr. Sergei Ivanovich Filonov in his book entitled "Dry Medical Fasting Myths and Realities", states that just "One kilogram of adipose tissue is sufficient for 2-3 days of dry fasting". A great illustration of this is the hump of the camel. This hump is the camel's fat reserves that it uses during its long desert journeys. A well fed and hydrated camel will begin a long journey with a large hump, only to have that hump dissipated after multiple days of abstinence. You can compare that hump to the average American "beer belly". Adipose tissue is eliminated 3 times faster on a dry fast than on a water fast, and there is never a full recovery of this fat either.

In terms of weight loss:

  • 1-day dry fast = 3-day water fast                                                                   
  • 2-day dry fast = 6-day water fast
  • 3-day dry fast = 9-day water fast

These figures are only in regard to weight loss. There are other numerous benefits that are only attainable through dry fasting. Inflammation for example cannot exist without water. Additionally, the most powerful anti-inflammatory agent in the body known as glucocorticoid hormones, circulate in its free state in the bloodstream at numbers 3 times greater than usual. The benefits obtained from dry fasting include, but are not limited to:

  • Giving organs a break
  • Cellular renewal
  • mTOR Inhibition
  • AMPK activation
  • Autophagy activation
  • Elimination of microorganisms
  • Elimination of inflammation
  • Purifies blood
  • Clears blood vessels
  • Transparent blood plasma
  • Cleanses GI tract
  • Renews the mucosal lining 
  • Improves the function of organs
  • Increased resistance to internal and external damaging factors
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Restoration of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
  • Cleaner, whiter eyes
  • Pinker tongue
  • Improves complexion, color of skin, etc.
  • Sexual rejuvenation
  • Improves cardiac performance
  • Improves patience
  • Improves self-control

There are 3 factors in particular that encourage longevity and absence of disease:




These 3 are activated by ketosis which is a swift result of dry fasting. 

Additional education: MTOR, AMPK, AUTOPHAGY

Conducting the Dry Fast

A.) Extended Dry Fast:

The following instructions mainly apply to an extended dry fast (over 48 hrs.):

Prepping (before launch)- Prior to beginning the dry fast, it is helpful to eat a low insulin meal (ex. leafy salad) as your last meal. After your last meal, it is of great advantage to water fast for the next 24-48 hrs. before officially starting the dry fast. This will ensure your intestinal tract is cleared and that you have downregulated aldosterone (hormone that causes water retention). It is recommended to consume fulvic acid during the days prior to launching the dry fast as this will charge the battery of your body so to speak and will make the fast much easier. If you are conducting a "hard dry fast" then you will take your shower, brush your teeth, etc. close to the time that you will begin the fast. The last protocol that you need to execute is taking about 1 tsp of baking soda in an 8 oz glass of water. It is imperative that this be done. During a dry fast your body is splitting tissue/fat very effectively, which results in the buildup of decay products in the body. These decay products result in your body becoming acidic during the dry fast. That is why it is essential that you alkalize your body before and after the dry fast with baking soda. Say a prayer and mark the time you launch.

During the Dry Fast: The first 24-48 hrs. are usually the toughest as your body is transitioning into survival mode now that it is not functioning off of those substances that it is used to. It is not uncommon to feel cranky, irritable, annoyed, etc. when you do your first 24-48 hrs. as a beginner. Once you get around the 48-hr. mark, the fast begins to feel much smoother although this feeling does fluctuate. It is important to spend time outside, reading, drawing, watching documentaries, etc., as these things will capture your attention and distract you from the urge to quit. You are used to obtaining pleasure from food and drinks, now you will begin to take pleasure in other tasks. Disciplining yourself in this area will assist you in becoming more creative and grateful in your daily life. Keep in mind, fasting should be a time of resting and recouping. Nothing wrong with going on walks or doing other non-exacting activities, but you do not want to be doing strenuous exercises, sweating profusely in hot weather, etc., after the 24-hr. mark. According to the book "Dry Medical Fasting Myths and Realities" written by Dr. Sergei Ivanovich Filonov, he does not recommend going beyond 5 days dry fasting without medical supervision.

Breaking the Fast- It is recommended that the output of the dry fast should be twice as long as the input. For example, if you did a 3-day dry fast, then you should take 6 days to recover before eating, drinking, and exercising normally. I heard of a case where a person dry fasted for multiple days and did not give the body time to recover and pulled a muscle from pulling weeds in the garden.  Break the fast with some distilled, reverse osmosis, or preferably fresh spring water. Sip by sip over the next few hours, best not to chug. During this time, you can brew and drink some of the longevity formulas on the website. After you have some formulas, alkalizing your body with the baking soda (as discussed in the prepping section) is a crucial component after breaking the fast. You alkalize before you begin the fast, then you alkalize after the fast to flush the acid out of your body that built up as a result of the splitting of tissue/fat. 

Dr. Sergei Ivanovich Filonov stated in his book that the output of the dry fast should be strict because it is much more important than the process of the dry fast. Your body has been cleansed through the dry fast, so you want to make sure you consume clean, fresh, organic foods after the fast. If the fast was over 3 days (72 hrs.), it is best to wait 12 hrs. before having some fresh broth or fruit. Eat small portions when you do begin to eat as to gradually feed load the pancreas in order to slowly put it back in operation. Slowly ease yourself back to eating normally, despite the eagerness to want to do the contrary. If you cannot feel or taste the food you are eating, or the taste is similar to cotton wool, that is a sign that your body is not ready to digest that substance. You can begin to gradually use salt (preferably sea salt or Himalayan salt) from the third day onward.

B.) Daily Dry or Fluid Restricted Fasting:

Extended dry fasting (48 hrs. and beyond) is utilized to bring the body back into balance and homeostasis. Once this is accomplished, daily dry fasting, or fluid restricted fasting is the wisest protocol to promote longevity. Here are some examples (first number dry, second number is feeding window): 16:8,18:6, 20:4, 22:2, etc. To obtain the most effective daily results, the 22:2 protocol is the best option. You may also choose to utilize the fluid restricted protocol during the fasting window (first number), consuming only the extract formulas during this time frame. Whatever your day is looking like, whatever is convenient for that day. If your outside sweating profusely, then doing the full dry fast throughout the day is not wise. Use your discernment.  

The idea is to keep mTOR (rapid aging pathway) inhibited as much as possible, only activating it during workout and feeding window. Since exercise also activates mTOR, you should time it near feeding window. Daily dry fasting is a great place to start if you are a beginner. After an 8-hr. sleep you have already dry fasted 1/3 of a day. Skipping breakfast would bring you to about 12 hrs. You can acquaint yourself with this for a period of time and then move on to the 16:8, 18:6, 20:4, 22:2, etc. The more you practice it, the more resilient your body becomes and the more efficient it runs. Your body has its own natural healing mechanism, you just have to give it the right conditions to operate fully. The greatest medicine, the greatest drug, is in your body.